The Nordic Dental Clinic team would like to congratulate our great doctors, who are taking another step forward.
Currently our long time team member Dr. Jaroslav Skrut, who has also studied with Dr. Ivanov, is enrolled in the
"I have getting my teeth cared for at the Nordic Dental clinic and I am very happy with the results – I even trusted my mother to the care of these doctors 🙂 "
"Nordic Dental Clinic is one of the best clinics in the area. No matter what kind of work you need done, they are always reliable." Highly recommend!
I am extremely satisfied that I finally found a place where I don’t have to be nervous in the dentist’s chair. You could even say that now I am happy to go to the dentist.
I have to admit that I'm not a big dentist goer, but Nordic Dental Clinic has made it very pleasant. Professional service, the clinic looks very nice and there is probably no more painful way to extract a wisdom tooth than Dr. Ivanov did.
The best dental clinic in Estonia. Always very pleasant service and the feeling that you are being looked after. Because the place is very warm, with the latest technology and super nice doctors, the fear of dentistry is gone for adults and children alike.
In sport, every detail must be in place! Having good quality, well-kept teeth gives me confidence, which is why I have them looked after by specialists in their field at Nordic Dental Clinic.
Nordic Dental Clinic is delightfully people- and patient-friendly. Familiar to many, the so-called. the fear of the dentist inexplicably disappears in the waiting room. How they have achieved this remains a mystery.
More than 10 000 satisfied customers
"I have getting my teeth cared for at the Nordic Dental clinic and I am very happy with the results – I even trusted my mother to the care of these doctors 🙂 "
"Nordic Dental Clinic is one of the best clinics in the area. No matter what kind of work you need done, they are always reliable." Highly recommend!
I am extremely satisfied that I finally found a place where I don’t have to be nervous in the dentist’s chair. You could even say that now I am happy to go to the dentist.
I have to admit that I'm not a big dentist goer, but Nordic Dental Clinic has made it very pleasant. Professional service, the clinic looks very nice and there is probably no more painful way to extract a wisdom tooth than Dr. Ivanov did.
The best dental clinic in Estonia. Always very pleasant service and the feeling that you are being looked after. Because the place is very warm, with the latest technology and super nice doctors, the fear of dentistry is gone for adults and children alike.
In sport, every detail must be in place! Having good quality, well-kept teeth gives me confidence, which is why I have them looked after by specialists in their field at Nordic Dental Clinic.
The best dental clinic in Estonia. Always very pleasant service and the feeling that you are being looked after. Because the place is very warm, with the latest technology and super nice doctors, the fear of dentistry is gone for adults and children alike.
Nordic Dental Clinic is delightfully people- and patient-friendly. Familiar to many, the so-called. the fear of the dentist inexplicably disappears in the waiting room. How they have achieved this remains a mystery.
More than 10 000 satisfied customers
The Nordic Dental Clinic is the first of its kind where I realised I didn't have to look any further. Dentistry is a sensitive area, after all you are trusting these people with the health and appearance of your teeth. This clinic has a person-centred and friendly service and I have always been very satisfied with the work of the doctors. Highly recommend!
"I have getting my teeth cared for at the Nordic Dental clinic and I am very happy with the results – I even trusted my mother to the care of these doctors 🙂 "
I am extremely satisfied that I finally found a place where I don’t have to be nervous in the dentist’s chair. You could even say that now I am happy to go to the dentist.
I've got a poem, because everyone has already told the story I wanted to tell.
"When a toothache develops from a rhinitis, Dr Ivanov understands.
You search up Nordic Dental Clinic
So that in the New Year, the smile won't be embarrassing"
I have to admit that I'm not a big dentist goer, but Nordic Dental Clinic has made it very pleasant. Professional service, the clinic looks very nice and there is probably no more painful way to extract a wisdom tooth than Dr. Ivanov did.
The best dental clinic in Estonia. Always very pleasant service and the feeling that you are being looked after. Because the place is very warm, with the latest technology and super nice doctors, the fear of dentistry is gone for adults and children alike.
Dentists were my nightmare characters ever since the Soviet era...until I came under Kristo's watchful eye.
Over the years, he has transformed the role of the dentist in my dreams, skilfully filled my empty stomachs, restored my ability to eat and the appearance of my mouth. I am very happy!
Currently our long time team member Dr. Jaroslav Skrut, who has also studied with Dr. Ivanov, is enrolled in the
We were recently visited by Piia, the author of Bowtie Diary. You can follow her doings and experience with Nordic
“A healthy mind in a healthy body” – people who value this motto value also good oral health, and thus,
* Selle broneeringuvormi täitmine ei garanteeri vastuvõtuaega. Aja kinnitamiseks võtab Teiega ühendust meie administraator.
NB! Teistkordne etteteatamata visiidile mitteilmumine 35€
Please note that filling out this form does not automatically guarantee an appontment for you. Our administrator will contact you as soon as possible for further information.
NB! The second unannounced non-appearance to the visit costs €35!
Enne ja pärast ravi. Suretatud hammaste taastamine, lôplik restauratsioon täiskeraamiliste kroonide/laminaatidega. Raviarst: Kristo Ivanov ... Näita rohkemNäita vähem
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Ma tahan küsida: kas need ilusad hambad on terve kaar pandud kunst? Mis tehakse sinna alla jäävate hammastega? Kuidas lahendada olukord, kui üleval mõlemal pool 2 tagumist hammast on välja tõmmatud, ühel jääb üks hammas veel edasi, teisel pool tühjus. Ja alumisel lõual ühel pool kaks hammast kõrvuti väljas. Tehti mingi suulae kaarega protees, mida mina kanda ei saa- see suulae kaar jääb mõne millilmeetri allapoole, ei lähe vastu suulage ja sellega ei saa ma küll mitte midagi- isegi harjutada võimatu. E taha suus hoida. Vaatan et tehaks ka täitsa ilma hammasteta uued naeratused, kuhu need kinnituvad? KAs minu puhul pole siis muud varianti, kui kaarega (metallist)?
Palju suutäis maksab
Throwback thursday. Nordic Hambakliiniku suurem osa meeskonnast 2018. aastal ... Näita rohkemNäita vähem
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Enne ja pärast ravi. Esteetiline ja funktsionaalne taastamine. Täiskeraamilised kroonid. Raviarst: dr Kristo Ivanov ... Näita rohkemNäita vähem
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